De­sign and Con­struc­tion of mod­ern and en­vi­ron­men­tally safe MSW land­fill sites


Mod­ern land­fill sites for Mu­nic­i­pal Solid Waste (MSW) pro­vide:

  • safe waste dis­posal
  • min­i­miza­tion of harm­ful emis­sions and waste­water 
  • eco­nom­i­cally ef­fi­cient waste treat­ment
  • as­sess­ment and se­lec­tion of ap­pro­pri­ate waste dis­posal sites
  • in­no­v­a­tive use of Re­new­able En­ergy Sources (RES)
  • fur­ther re­me­di­a­tion and restora­tion of land­fills

ECO­COM pro­vides pro­fes­sional de­sign and en­gi­neer­ing of MSW land­fill sites which meet all re­quired reg­u­la­tions and stan­dards of mod­ern tech­nol­ogy. More­over, re­quire­ments of en­vi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion projects and in­ter­na­tion­ally ac­cepted stan­dards are ful­filled.

The de­sign and en­gi­neer­ing of MSW land­fill sites is car­ried out in stages meet­ing re­quired ap­provals and ex­am­i­na­tions:

  • 1st stage: choos­ing the land plot
  • 2nd stage: project de­vel­op­ment 
  • 3rd stage: de­vel­op­ment of en­gi­neer­ing doc­u­men­ta­tion 


The con­struc­tion of mod­ern and en­vi­ron­men­tally safe MSW land­fills in­cludes the fol­low­ing: